Art Process | Payment Method + Passes to Expect
After the sketch art portion is paid for (via paypal), I will send in the following order:
0) Rough pass (applies only when I don’t have the lines done efficiently or for concept clarification)
1) Sketch lines
2) Base colors (w/ sketch lines)
3) Final sketch piece
I will only proceed to the next step once the current step is approved. Unlimited amount of revision requests, but will only take notes on design accuracy not quality.
The refined amount can be paid at paypal after I finish the colored sketch piece. After paying for both for the sketch (via paypal) and the refined (via paypal) portions, I will send in the following order:
4) Refined lines
5) Base colors (w/ refined lines)
6) Final refined piece
Unlimited amount of revision requests for final quality (cannot stray away from approved final colored sketch piece's general look tho). Payment for a Refined piece can either be done all at once via paypal or divided up into the two portions as stated. Sketch piece must be paid in full upfront (the AnC option gives a safety net for both customer and artist).
Refined Painterly just goes from 1), 2), 3) final sketch piece -> 6) final refined piece, but because that in-between still does take time, I will give daily/every other day/weekly WIP passes until the final product if requested from the customer.